
“Our Conference Affirms the Women’s Revolution”

“Our Conference Affirms the Women’s Revolution”

In the realm of the women’s revolution, the Women’s Protection Units (YPJ) are undergoing a new phase of reconstruction, guided by the principles of the revolutionary people’s war. Under the slogan, “With the power of free women, we will protect the women’s revolution and the homeland, and ensure the freedom of Leader APO,” 115 members from Kurdish, Arab, Assyrian, Turkmen, and international backgrounds convened for their fourth conference. The conference, held from June 30 to July 2, displayed high levels of enthusiasm, morale, and determination. The gathering of such a large number of defenders and leaders of the revolution created immense excitement, and each participant, coming from various fields of struggle within the revolution, gained morale and strength during the conference.

The opening speech was delivered by Rohlat Afrin, a member of the General Command of the YPJ. She emphasized the significance of starting the conference on a day of sacrifice, saying: “In our movement’s history, which is marked by heroic acts, starting our conference in the light of the sacrifice made by comrade Zilan is highly significant. This day is for accountability, criticism, living rightly, and moving towards freedom. We see this embodied in the personality of comrade Zilan, who faced liquidation, betrayal, war blockages, and held tightly to the truth of leadership.”

“Our struggle will be in the manner of the revolutionary people’s war.”

Rohlat Afrin spoke about the courage and sacrifice of YPJ fighters against the male-dominated authoritarian system. She continued, “In the reality of the third world war, the oppressive man imposes one color and one voice on society and women. As a women’s army, if we look at our path, we did not reach this level easily. From comrade Beritan, who paved the way, to those who guided us with their relentless struggle and sacrifices, under our leadership’s guidance, words cannot express our journey. The YPJ reached this level because the leaders made us introspect and hold ourselves accountable, especially against the policies of genocide and destruction imposed on our people for centuries.”

“YPJ will protect the achievements of the people and women.”

The conference also evaluated the political and military situation in all its aspects. The dominant powers attempt to solve crises through crises, relying on military methods instead of dialogue and resolution. They violate all humanitarian and ethical values for their dirty interests. Therefore, the conference concluded that the depth and breadth of issues can only be evaluated and resolved under the leadership and wisdom of women. The YPJ is responsible for this protection. The conference emphasized that any local and international power alliances will be unacceptable if they do not serve the interests of the region’s people and women’s achievements. No matter the cost, the YPJ will protect the gains of women and the people of the region.

“Unifying women against violence”

The statement highlighted the severe violence, abuse, suicide, murder, and oppression against women, particularly in Kurdistan, across the Middle East, and the world. The controlling male mindset suffocates women at home, and occupying forces target them in all areas of life. War brings displacement, poverty, disease, injuries, and all kinds of chaos. With the Turkish state’s and its mercenaries’ attacks on Rojava and northeastern Syria, women face the worst conditions. To thwart these occupation attacks, women must educate themselves in defense and join the YPJ to end occupation and protect themselves from killers, darkness, and sexists.

“Women will raise their organizational level.”

The conference also evaluated the past two years ideologically and organizationally, identifying shortcomings and weaknesses in practical application. There was strong self-criticism and a decision to reconstruct the YPJ. The establishment of the Women’s Protection Central Command in northeastern Syria was decided to develop institutional mechanisms and raise organizational levels.

“YPJ is the identity of organized women.”

The statement emphasized the YPJ’s role since the beginning of the revolution, noting, “As YPJ took the initiative in pre-revolutionary operations and made sacrifices, protecting these achievements and caring for this historical legacy is now a crucial duty. As YPJ, we will live according to the principles of the revolutionary people’s struggle, organizing and sustaining the values of the revolution. Against the special war policies of the dominant male mindset, the ability to protect humanity and life is essential for women.”

The YPJ is an organized definition of essential protection for all women. The values of the revolution are achieved through the support of strong-willed, aware women connected to their homeland, seeing honor not in the woman but in the freedom of the homeland and people. The YPJ represents all women of the region and the world through the paradigm of democratic nationhood.

As YPJ, just as we defeated ISIS, primarily the fascist Turkish state and its regional partners, we will respond stronger against all forms of attacks on our areas and advance our leading role. To build a democratic Syria and a democratic Middle East, we will fulfill our protection duties effectively. The YPJ possesses the strength, will, and determination to crown the hopes of the people, women, and the aspirations of all martyrs of the women’s revolution with victory. On this basis, we renew our pledge and, with the spirit of sacrifice of martyr Zilan, Arin, Rivan, Sara, Ruken, Avista, Barin, Shervin Shardar, Surkhvin Rojhelat, Azadi Derik, Hebun Anteria, Ivana Hoffman, and thousands of martyrs for women’s freedom, will continue our struggle for freedom powerfully and dedicate a free future for humanity.

YPJ Media Center

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